photo credit-hjl
creative commons license
No, not that one. This political surprise was a lot more local.
You could have knocked us over with a feather when we got this news.
Buddy Boy, now 8 years old and in third grade, decided to run for the school council. To do so, candidates had to give a speech and make a poster. His poster simply said:
Vote for Me!
We asked him what he said for his campaign speech. He said he told the kids that he would do whatever they said (sounds like he has a future as a politician).
And then the real shocker
He won!!!!
His teacher assured Liz that she had not made a mistake, and Buddy Boy had indeed been elected by his classmates. Buddy Boy's teacher moderates the council, so she'll be able to facilitate his participation (yahoo! another free social skills opportunity).
Buddy Boy seems pretty proud of himself, but at the same time says, "I thought I was going to win".
It's times like these when I can truly feel that anything is possible. And I also feel relieved, because we never seem to know exactly how the other kids are feeling about him. Are they accepting him for who he is? Do they like him at all? Or just tolerating his presence?
Today those fears recede to the background. Today we celebrate.